An artist impression of HD 40307g in Pictor
I have long been fond of the constellation Pictor.
Simply because, it translates and is known as the “painters easel”.
42 light years from Earth in this constellation there is an orange K-type main sequence star called HD 40307 and known to have 6 planets in it’s orbit.
One of those planets “HD 40307g” and the inspiration behind this particular painting was discovered in 2012 by a combined British and Dutch team of astronomers.
HD 40307g is reported to have mass at least seven times that of Earth and orbits in the habitable zone, an area around a star where temperatures are warm enough to allow liquid water.
Title: “A Painter Passing Through Pictor”
Size: 6″ x 4″
Medium: Oil based enamel paints on heavyweight textured canvas paper.
Year of Creation: 2014
A painters impression of Super Earth HD40307g.
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